Northeast Delta Dental
Northeast Delta Dental

VACE+ recognizes that good dental care is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In cooperation with Northeast Delta Dental, we are pleased to offer a comprehensive dental benefit exclusive to Chamber Members. Although VACE+ members can see any dentist they wish, they’ll get the best value from their plan when they use a participating network provider. The VACEplus dental plan includes the Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier network which is the broadest dental network in Vermont and New England.

Northeast Delta Dental Information
- 100% coverage for Preventive Care (cleanings, evaluations, bitewing & panoramic X-rays)
- 80% coverage for Basic Restorative services, oral surgery, endodontics, periodontics, denture
- repair and emergency palliative treatment
- 50% coverage for Major Restorative services – dentures, crowns, implants
- 50% coverage for Orthodontics
- Calendar year Maximum of $2,000 (the highest amount available)
- No copays!
- Dental insurance can begin on the 1st of the next month following receipt of the completed paperwork
- Chamber Members sponsoring the VACE+ dental plan need to complete the VACE+ Joinder Form
- All employees electing dental insurance must complete the Dental Enrollment Form
- After all enrollment forms have been collected, add up the total monthly premium based on the type of coverage selected (e.g. single, couple, family)
- Issue a check payable to Northeast Delta Dental for the first month’s premium and mail it to:
Northeast Delta Dental, Attn. Kami Cunningham12 Bacon St. Ste B, Burlington VT 05401
- Email the completed Joinder and enrollment forms to
- After your group is established, Northeast Delta Dental will email you with your group number, plan documents and information needed to register for the Group Admin Portal and eBilling.

DeltaVision provides Chamber Members’ employees with routine eye exams and a generous allowance towards materials that refreshes every year.

Worksite Benefits
VACE has partnered with csOne, a NH-based enrollment firm, and Colonial Life to bring Worksite Benefits to Chamber Members.

Pet Insurance
We’ve partnered with Pin Paws to offer employees exclusive access to pet insurance through MetLife at a discounted rate.