Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I get my first group invoice?
For Delta Dental and DeltaVision insurance plans, Northeast Delta Dental will invoice the Chamber Member after the group joinder and enrollment applications are processed. Invoices are generated mid-month for the next month of coverage. If you haven’t received an invoice more than a month after your insurance plan’s effective date, please contact Kami Cunningham.
Will my employees receive ID cards?
Yes, all employees will receive ID cards for dental and vision insurance. They can also download electronic ID cards from the Northeast Delta Dental App and Patient Portals.
How do I get access to the eBilling site to receive my invoices electronically?
Instructions on how to register for the eBilling site will be sent after your new group is set up. Please be on the lookout for this outreach from Northeast Delta Dental, as it will have your group’s unique information in order to register or contact the eligibility department at or 1-800-537-1715.
What address should payments be sent to?
Payments via check should include your group number and be sent with the remittance page from your invoice to: Northeast Delta Dental, PO Box 9566, Manchester NH 03108- 9566.
Can I make my payment electronically?
Yes, there are two options to pay electronically, either via ACH authorization form or through the eBilling portal. To register for eBilling, click here. For assistance with eBilling registration, please call Northeast Delta Dental’s eligibility department at 603-223-1230.
Who do I contact if I have a question about my invoice?
You may contact the eligibility department at 1-603-223-1230 for any questions regarding your invoice.
Where should I send New Enrollments or Enrollment Changes for employees?
New enrollment and changes to existing enrollment should be entered on the Enrollment-Change Form Dental or Enrollment Change Form Vision and sent to To terminate coverage for an employee, please complete the termination report and send to Please be sure that your form group and sublocation number is included and all information is completed in full. Missing information will delay the enrollment/change. You may also make changes directly on the Group Admin Portal.
How do I get access to the Group Admin Portal to view and make changes to my enrollment?
Please complete the Authorization Form located on the Group Admin Portal and send to or fax to 603-223-1129. In addition to completing the authorization form, you will need to register at The Group Admin Portal Guide includes instructions for registration and use of the portal. For assistance with the Group Admin Portal, please contact the eligibility department at 603-223-1230.
Who should I contact about group changes, i.e. contact changes, plan changes?
If you work with a benefit broker you should contact them for any plan changes, group contact changes, etc. If you do not work with a benefit broker you should email
Who do my employees call if we have a question on our benefits or claims?
All calls for specific benefit or claim questions should go to Northeast Delta Dental’s Customer Service Department, 1-800-832-5700 between 8am and 8pm. Members may also access their benefit and claim information on the patient portal at

DeltaVision provides Chamber Members’ employees with routine eye exams and a generous allowance towards materials that refreshes every year.

Northeast Delta Dental
DeltaVision provides Chamber Members’ employees with routine eye exams and a generous allowance towards materials that refreshes every year.

Worksite Benefits
VACE has partnered with csOne, a NH-based enrollment firm, and Colonial Life to bring Worksite Benefits to Chamber Members.

Pet Insurance
We’ve partnered with Pin Paws to offer employees exclusive access to pet insurance through MetLife at a discounted rate.